Permanent Hair Reduction | Lucencia Medical

Permanent Hair Reduction

Be free to look your best every day!

Embrace the freedom and confidence that comes with permanent hair reduction.

Liberate yourself form the constant need to shave and way unwanted facial and body hair in order to feel and look your best. With light-based permanent hair reduction, just a few simple treatments is all it takes to permanently minimize hair growth, revealing clear, silky skin that’s ready to bare every day, and all year long.

Unlike shaving that lasts days, waxing that needs to be repeated every few weeks indefinitely, or electrolysis that’s tedious, permanent hair reduction is a lasting solution that takes away the everyday hassle of dealing with unwanted facial and body hair.

The secret lies in the light-based technology that targets and destroys hair cells responsible for hair growth without harming surrounding skin. It’s a simple approach to permanent hair reduction that’s fast easy and FDA-cleared.

Best of all, treatment sessions take just minutes and are practically pain-free. It’s the hair removal solution you’ve been waiting for. It’s the hair removal solution you’ve been waiting for.

Make the move to permanent hair reduction. Ideal for:
Faces, Underarms, Arms, Legs, Back, Bikini Area, Chest

Permanent hair reduction is available for any skin type and most hair colors.

The advantages of light-based permanent hair reduction are clear:

  • Excellent long-term results
  • Fast treatment sessions that can take only minutes
  • Great for reducing hair from larger areas
  • Comfortable treatments with no downtime

Frequently Asked Questions:

What areas can be treated?
Light-based permanent hair reduction can remove hair from faces (except around eyes), backs, chests, arms, underarms, bikini lines and legs.

Am I a good candidate for this procedure?
Permanent hair reduction is available for all skin types, including very light and very dark skin, and most hair colors. Your provider will determine if you are a good candidate for the procedure based on a variety of factors.

How does it work?
Light is used to target ad destroy hair follicles responsible for hair growth without having surrounding tissue, so there’s minimal risk.

How long does it take?
Permanent hair reduction treatments take just minutes for small areas and about a half hour for larger areas.

How many treatments will I need?
Several treatment sessions are recommended for the best aesthetic outcome. Permanent hair reduction technology can only affect hair in active phases of growth so several treatments are needed to affect all your unwanted hair. You do not need to let hair grow out between treatment sessions.

What will the treatment feel like?
Most people feel only a slight, momentary “snap” at the treatment site during the procedure.

How quickly will I recover?
You can resume regular daily activates immediately following.

Are there any side effects?
Typically, most people experience a mild, sunburn-like sensation, possibly accompanied by some minor swelling, immediately following the treatment. This usually lasts 2-24 hours. Ask your provider to discuss other possible side effects and the necessary post-treatment care with you.

Before and After Photos